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We all have seen swimming pools around us. But do we know how they work? The concept is simple: a large pool is filled with water and is attached to a system that filters and recycles the water. However, a swimming pool needs a complex system of plumbing and electrical equipment to allow it to function correctly.


Basic Components of a Swimming Pool.

Typically, any basic swimming pool will have a number of important elements: 

1) A large tank/basin

2) A pump

3) A water filtration system

4) A chemical water treatment system

5) Drains

6) A refilling system

7) A plumbing system to connect all the components together

8) A lighting system

9) A heating system, although only some pools have these

The water in the swimming pool needs to be continuously passed through a filtration and chemical treatment system to keep the water clean. The water in the pool goes through the drain system and then moves towards filtration and chemical treatment. The filters help remove debris from the water. The chemical treatment kills the bacteria and other germs in the water. 


The Water Pump

The water pump is the most important component of a swimming pool. Without a pump, a swimming pool cannot function. The pump has a motor inside it which helps to drive the water from the drains to the chemical treatment system, and then back into the pool again. Before the water passes through the pump, it is filtered for any debris such as leaves, insects, or other objects.

The chemical treatment system kills harmful pathogens in the water. This clean, filtered water is then pumped back into the pool. The pump also has another inlet of fresh water to compensate for the water loss through evaporation and splashing.


The Lighting

Lighting in swimming pools is important for two reasons: it makes the pool look attractive and it provides illumination for night-time swimmers. To provide underwater lighting, light bulbs are sealed inside waterproof fixtures. Insulated cables are used to connect the lights to a power source. Reliable connectors that are completely waterproof such as Bulgin's heavy-duty 900 series circular connectors are ideal for this application. 


Filter System

Many swimming pools have a double filter system such that it removes the debris before it enters the pump from the drains and just before treated water is inlet into the pool again. 


Chemical Treatment

Pool water that is left untreated can become a hub for bacteria and other pathogens to cause contamination. Also, water with the wrong pH balance or the wrong chemicals can harm the skin and the eyes. Hence, proper chemical treatment is necessary to disinfect the water and make it suitable for use. Chlorine is usually used to treat water. It is added in its compound form (calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite). Alternatives such as bromide and its compounds are also sometimes used. 


Heating System

How about swimming all days of the year? For those days when it is too cold to get into the cool pool water, a heating system comes in handy. These are usually heat pumps that have a high heating capacity. They are designed to raise the temperature of the pool water from ambient temperature to a more comfortable temperature of 27 to 35 degrees Celcius.

Having a good plumbing and electrical system is necessary for a well-maintained swimming pool. Bulgin has a wide range of sealed components such as switches, fuse holders, and connectors which are used in a variety of underwater applications. 




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