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Sensors are critical to modern technology. The Internet of Things depends on sensors to gather data. As a result, the size of the global sensor market is three times the size of the connector market.

Sensors and Connectors.


There are many sectors driving the growth in sensors. Manufacturing, along with the medical, automotive and consumer industries, are all driving the increase in sensors. Today’s sensors are both more capable and smaller than ever before.

Modern semiconductors are enabling sensors to become smarter – instead of simply detecting a signal, these sensors have the power to process the signal, making them an active component rather than passive. 

As with other advanced technology, this has led to increasing deployment of sensors into field-based applications. Incorporating the latest generation of sensors into any network requires connectors that can provide the signal integrity needed for the latest high-speed applications, while providing the protection that harsh environments demand.

The M-Series of Circular Industrial Connectors has provided an ideal solution for sensor connectivity for many years. From the diminutive M5 connector to the large, multipole M23, these are used for an array of sensor installations. Sealed to IP67, the M-Series Buccaneer connectors from Bulgin provide commonality with some of the most popular connector interfaces in industry.

For applications that must withstand tougher conditions, the original Buccaneer series provides an IP68 and IP69K sealed connector solution. Slimline 400 Series Connectors offer circuit counts of between 2 and 12 poles, and their robust Polyamide shells are ideal for service in harsh environments. 



There is also a solution for sensors that use conventional connector types. Providing the same level of protection as the 400 series, the Buccaneer Circular Data Connector Series can be fitted with USB, mini- or micro-USB and ethernet interfaces. 

Sensors are key to the smart technology of the future. Make sure your sensors are prepared for the harshest environments.


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