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An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, finds applications across many industries including entertainment, military, medical, rescue operations, etc. It generally uses aerodynamic forces for its lift and can fly autonomously or can be piloted remotely. It can be expendable (i.e. could be abandoned or destroyed) or recoverable, based on the requirement.

Classification of Drones.

Drones can be classified on various grounds, such as depth, range, altitude, weight, function, etc. But for better clarity and ease of understanding, we can classify them based on the ‘type of aerial platform’ used.

  1. Multi-Rotor Drones- These are the most common types of drones. They are used for a variety of applications, viz. aerial photography, surveillance, etc. They are easy to manufacture and are relatively cheap. But they also contain downsides such as limited endurance, limited speed and limited flying time.
  2. Fixed Wing Drones- These are completely different in design. They make use of ‘wings’ which are typically seen on regular aeroplanes. Unlike multi-rotor drones, fixed-wing drones don’t utilize energy to stay afloat on air. They aren’t designed to stand still in the air. Instead, they move forward on their set course as long as their energy source permits. They have an average flying time of a couple of hours. They are ideal for long-distance operations. But their flipside includes higher costs and skill training requirements.
  3. Single Rotor Helicopter: They look similar in design and structure to actual helicopters. They consist of a single large-sized rotor and a small-sized one on its tail. They are more efficient than the multi-rotor drones. They are designed for longer flying times and can be even powered by gas engines. But they also come with higher complexity and increased operational risks.
  4. Fixed Wing Hybrid VTOL: As their name suggests, these are hybrid versions combining the benefits of Fixed-wing models and the Rotor based models. This fusion could give them higher flying time with hovering capabilities. Today, with the advent of new generation sensors (i.e., gyros and accelerometers), this concept could transform into a ground reality soon. Hybrid VTOL’s make use of automation as well as manual gliding. It can work on automated mode (autopilot concept) and remote-based (manual control).


Generally, a UAV contains the following components:

  • Body
  • Power supply and platform
  • Computing
  • Sensors
  • Actuators
  • Software
  • Loop principles
  • Flight controls
  • Communications


UAVs are typically used for missions which are considered dangerous and menial for humans. Initially, the use of UAVs or drones was limited to military operations, but due to their versatility and durability, they are now being used in various sectors and applications, which include commercial, scientific, recreational, research, agricultural, policing, surveillance, product deliveries, aerial photography, infrastructure monitoring, drone racing, etc. It is also fascinating to know that civilian UAVs have now outnumbered military UAVs by a significant margin.

UAVs are popular and preferable because of their smaller size, low weight, lesser vibrations and high power to weight ratio. For better endurance ‘drone cooling’ has been advised by the technical experts to avoid overheating and subsequent engine failures. For extended battery life, Hydrogen fuel cells and solar-electric UAVs have been recommended by the experts. We can also find solar-powered atmospheric satellites, commonly known as atmosats, which are designed for operating at altitudes exceeding 20 km (or 60,000 feet) and up to five years. These can prove more versatile and economical than low-earth orbit satellites. ‘Atmosats’ can be further used for weather monitoring, disaster recovery, remote sensing and communications.


UAVs are popular and preferable because of their smaller size, low weight, lesser vibrations and high power to weight ratio. Since drones can be exposed to high wind currents, possible shocks, and occasional water ingress, components which are made for rugged use are necessary. Bulgin manufactures Sealed Antennas, Sealed Indicators, and Sealed MP Rocker Switches. All these components are environmentally protected and provide reliable performance in outdoor conditions.


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