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Connectors need to be connected to wires to perform their function. There are several technologies available to make these connections. In this Quick Brief, we will take a look at three of the most common.

Screw, Crimp or Solder?


The Circular Buccaneer Connectors from Bulgin are available with the choice of screw, crimp and solder terminations. The best choice for your application will depend on your circumstances, as each method has its advantages. Screw terminations are possibly the simplest to employ. The rear of the terminal features a barrel, into which the wire is inserted and then fixed with a screw. This method uses the minimum amount of tooling, often needing only a screwdriver and cable cutters. 

Screw termination is for connectors that are installed in the field, away from specialist workshops. They are also useful for equipment that will be repaired frequently. However, it is important that installers assemble them carefully. An over-tightened screw could damage the wire, while an under-tightened screw risks the wire working loose during operation.

Solder connections provide an excellent alternative to screw terminations, but their preparation takes more skill. Unlike screw terminations, solder joints require specialist tools and training, but the result provides excellent conductivity. Another factor to consider is that soldering irons create high levels of heat, which means that solder does not offer the ideal solution for field installation.

Crimp connections are amongst the most secure of all methods. A correctly prepared crimp tool will create consistent terminations time after time, making it an ideal solution for high volume production. Crimp tools also avoid the health and safety issues associated with soldering irons. However, crimp tools can be expensive and so, for small-volume applications, crimping might prove costly.



Each termination method offers advantages for different uses and selecting the right method can be confusing. Fortunately, Bulgin has nearly a century of experience in creating connectors for the most demanding applications. 

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